#FrenchFromageFriday: Creamy Dreamy Camembert

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Bonjur, nos amis and happy #FrenchFromageFriday

We are so excited to introduce you to this stunner: Camembert de Normandie.

A creamy, decadent bloomy-rind cheese from northern France, this specific Camembert, is Le Pommier, a Norman camembert aged by world-renowned affineur (“cheese ager”), Herve Mons.

Camembert or Brie: the lifelong debate! Often Camembert gets grouped in with Brie and while they’re both from the same bloomy-rind style family, Camembert shines in its own realm.

Camembert traditionally has a lower butterfat content than Brie (Brie often has cream added in as well— helloooo triple creme!) with more lactic starters added in the beginning of the cheese making process. Those extra starters make Camembert funky and delightful, with pointed vegetable, garlicky and sometimes even barnyardy notes. This specific wedge we picked up was intensely rich and earthy.

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It’s fudgy and gooey, and pairs perfect with a savory palate cleanser like cornichons or whole grain mustard. It’s also delightful on it’s own, smeared on a baguette or even topped with salted butter.

So while our namesake and first love will always be Brie, Camembert is a heartthrob in her own right and one you’ll hear us praise often.


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