#FrenchFromageFriday: Meet Mimolette

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Happy Friday, nos amis! We are kicking off the weekend with a BRAND NEW SERIES to share with you!

Introducing French Fromage Friday, a new initiative to introduce our favorite French cheeses to help expand your cheese repertoire! We’ll feature classics as well as off-the-beaten-path delights, with the history, stories and best of all, the tastes behind each one. So whether you’re in the grocery store, at the cheese shop or the markets of France, our goal is you’ll feel more comfortable with choosing and enjoying French fromage. 

Starting off with a classic, we’d like to introduce you to Mimolette. Made on the border of France and Belgium in Lille, this sweet, orange, cows-milk cannonball is a caramely, buttery delight and the favorite cheese of past French president, Charles De Gaulle. The slice featured here is aged about 12 months, but can be aged for more than two years and is an excellent option for cheddar lovers looking to explore outside their usual comfort zone.

Mimolette is known for its craggy, dusty rind, due to the cheese mites (aka tiny affineurs) that are essential to its aging process and delicious taste. We love its naturally-dyed annato orange hue and fudgy finishing texture, a must-try especially if you love Edam or Gouda! 

Stay tuned next week for more #frenchfromagefriday! Á bientôt!


Hayley often believes she is meant to live in France, and gets back as often as she can. Currently a cheesemonger in Austin, TX, she is passionate about supporting artisanal makers and storytelling through food and the animals and people creating what we consume.


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