#FrenchFromageFriday: Luscious Langres

AOC and Cider Pairing (5 of 7).jpg

Happy #FrenchFromageFriday, nos amis! We are so excited to introduce this week’s delicate, elegant beauty: Langres. 

Made since the 18th century in the Champagne region of France, this salty, tangy ‘petit chou’ is a match-made in heaven with its bubbly counterpart.

Langres gets its gorgeous wrinkles from its geotrichum candidum cultures and it’s stunning color from natural annato coloring (a South American shrub that provides coloring for artisanal cheeses) and being hand-rubbed with brine and Marc de Champagne during its five week aging process.

Most important is Langres’ concave top known as the ‘Fontaine’ or ‘fountain,’ which is meant for pouring a small amount of champagne or brandy into to make eating this cheese SO. EXTRA.

Langres has a luscious cream line towards its rind and a slightly cakey center, while being salty but slightly mild. She shines during the summer and fall, so now is the time to scoop her up and toast with your friends. Not into champagne? No worries! Whether Langres is slathered onto fresh baguette or enjoyed with a savory onion jam on cracker, there’s no wrong way to devour her! 


Hayley often believes she is meant to live in France, and gets back as often as she can. Currently a cheesemonger in Austin, TX, she is passionate about supporting artisanal makers and storytelling through food and the animals and people creating what we consume.


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