Do you ever feel . . .

~ that food or mealtimes are stressful and conjure anxiety?

~ you’d like to find ways to live more mindfully and intentionally without it feeling like “one more thing to do?”

~ like you envy the French cafe culture and wish you could apply it in your own life?

~ eager for tools to turn food into a source of joy and connection with yourself and/or others?

~ that food should be more than just fuel?

~ a desire for more time to rejuvenate yourself?

~ that you want a better way of consuming and feeling connected to our earth?

Can mealtimes rejuvenate my body AND my soul?

Yes! The short answer is, yes. Of course! Absolutely.

What’s the long answer?

That depends on you. The topic of food and mealtime can be triggering, stressful, and full of exasperation. This ranges from frustrations with calories and anxiety over potential weight gain, to the lack of time or money to indulge in foods you know are tasty and high quality, to the constant pressure of trying to provide meals for your family and the chorus of complaints and restraints that can bring. Throughout our lives, we’ve run the whole gamut with you until we decided we wanted a different approach to nourishment—one that could tend to our souls instead of just providing fuel.

We’d had glimpses of the potential of mealtimes and the joy it brought us: learning how to cook or bake and sharing it with friends; celebrating special occasions with loved ones; meeting up with friends over coffee, drinks, or brunch; traveling and trying the foods of different cultures; savoring a bowl of ice cream, feet splayed on the couch, after a long day.

The thing that all these mealtimes have in common really has nothing to do with actual food. Taking into consideration various diet preferences, taste ranges, and health conditions, the food itself will be different for every individual. Some days the thought of ice cream turns my stomach, and some days it sounds like the perfect treat.

Rather, it’s the moment, the experience. The intention. To connect with others, to try something new. To learn a new skill and share it, to set the time aside and break from responsibilities. To relax. To unwind. To savor.

Food is the vehicle—albeit, an important one, but it’s the intention and mindset that will take it from fuel to nourishment.

The Francophile Heart

Our travels to France gave us our long answer. We noticed the habits of the Parisians around us and how their meals took hours and were something to be cherished and savored.

Drawn to the joy that food seemed to bring them, we mimicked as best we could and spent hours in the afternoon sitting at a cafe reading a book, enjoying multi-course meals without having anywhere to be. It was the first time we felt completely autonomous, for our body and mind.

Knowing we couldn’t be in perpetual vacation mode and still wanting to adopt this new attitude towards food and our mealtimes, which up till then had been largely very stressful, we dove into the world of cheese, French cafe culture, and the Slow Food Movement. (If you want to know the whole story, watch the video below for a 34 minute in-depth look at our journey!)

Thus we adopted the principles of mindful eating and studied the Slow Food Movement, creating methods to implement these practices in our own lives.

This course is for you if you:

~ find food or mealtimes stressful (but don’t want to anymore!)

~ like to reframe the way you think about mealtime

~ want practical ways to help you live more mindfully and intentionally

~ are interested in a French food culture approach to food and mealtimes

~ would like tools to turn food into a source of joy and connection with yourself and/or others

~ are interested in learning about the Slow Food Movement and applying its principles in your life

~ want time to rejuvenate yourself

The Details:

Module 1 - Learn the background and philosophy behind The Napa Table, how it affects us (and you!) in all aspects of life. Hear our personal stories, discover how they resonate with you, and see how mindfulness in eating translates to mindfulness in everyday life.

Module 2 - Learn all about The Slow Food Movement, its history a presence in the world, why it’s important to us, and the effects it has on our lives. In this module you’ll learn how to look at the world, and especially food, in a completely different way, and you’ll discover how to implement these principles in your own life.

Module 3 - Here we build on the Slow Food Movement principles, learning the aspects and importance of mindful eating. You’ll learn to look at food through a different lens, shedding diet culture and the quick fuel-like mindset of eating that we typically embody. Learn how to implement these principles easily into your daily life, so that you and those around you now experience mealtimes as a source of true joy, connection, and soul nourishment.

In addition, we give you a workbook for you to use throughout the course, along with quick reference guides so you can easily refresh our memory with all the important key points you’ve learned!

As a bonus, you’ll have access to our private Facebook group, where you can engage directly with us and other members at our table! And as a customer, you’re always entitled to 40% off consultation services, for those times where you want private learning or need some extra help.


~Teach you about nutrition or dieting

~ Encourage any type of dieting or restrictive eating

~ Give you healthcare or medical advice

~ Discuss healthy food choices or certain diets

*This course is not really about the food, but what food can do for your soul!

please note: our “Cheese Foundations” course includes this “nourish your soul” course.

*Because we teach our Cheese Foundations course through the lens of our brand philosophy (i.e. all the concepts covered in our Nourish Your Soul course), this introductory course is included in our Cheese Foundations course. If you intend on enrolling in our Cheese Foundations course, be assured this course is included in that package! Go HERE to learn more.

Are you ready to fill your life with mindfulness, intentionality, and nourishment? Take a seat at our table! We can’t wait to see you!

Nourish Your Soul
One time

✓ Video lessons
✓ Downloadable workbook and reference guides
✓ Access to our private Facebook group
✓ 40% off consultation services
✓ Unlimited lifetime access


  • What is the cost of this course?

    • WE’VE kept the price low for you at only $49.

  • Will this course give me advice on dieting, weight loss, or provide a meal plan to follow?

    • NO. We don’t talk about specific foods or diets at all. Instead we talk about ways to make mealtimes enjoyable and as a vehicle for soul/mind nourishment and connection.

  • Can I get a refund if I don’t like the course?

    • NO. We can’t imagine anyone not benefiting from this course, and are sincerely sorry if it does not suit your liking, however we cannot offer refunds.

  • What can I expect to learn from this course?

    • USING the principles of mindfulness and the Slow Food Movement, this course will present a new and mindful way of eating and nourishment, offer a French food culture approach to food and mealtimes, and give you the tools to turn food (especially cheese!) into a source of joy and connection with yourself and others.

  • Is this course necessary if I want to or plan on purchasing your “Cheese Foundations” course?

    • YES! However, because it is absolutely necessary, we’ve included this course in the “Cheese Foundations” course—they’re a package deal if you purchase the “Cheese Foundations” course. If you are planning on moving on to our cheese education course, please skip purchasing this and go straight here!

Nourish Your Soul: A French Approach to Mindful Eating & Living
One time