#Frenchfromagefriday: Fourme d’ambert

Happy #FrenchFromageFriday, nos amis! 💕 We are thrilled to share today’s fromage with you as it’s one of our personal favorites: Fourme d’Ambert.

This glorious blue dates back to more than 1,000 years ago during the Roman Occupation, and has been loved throughout the centuries by royals like Charlemagne.

Made in the Auvergne region of France, cows graze at higher mountain altitudes during the summer and lower in the winter (a process called Transhumance). Curds are still hand-packed for this AOC delight.

Along with its fascinating history (there are literally stone drawings of this cheese from the 9th century!), Fourme d’Ambert has an incredible texture and taste. More mild than Roquefort, it has a lactic taste with mushroom and earthy undertones, with a slight piquant from the blue veining to keep things interesting. 😏 Because of the way they gently pack the curds, it’s beautifully creamy and at room temp can basically be smeared onto anything (although we prefer baguette and honey)!

Oh, Fourme d’Ambert, nous t’aimons! 😍 What do you think? Would you try this cheese? #brieherenow


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